Thursday, October 6, 2011

Circuit Marine & The Body of Christ

I really liked this animated short from Monday's class. At first I thought that it was just about the cycle of eating (like the circle of life from the Lion King) but then my focus seemed to shift more towards the saddness of the pirate at loosing his pets.

This may seem a little weird, but it kindda reminds me of God's grief over fighting among His people. Sometimes we get so caught up in devouring each other that we forget that we are all precious to God. We are all very different, and sometimes we find it hard to live with one another. We can get so focused on ourselves and on what we want (and our personal beliefs) that we turn on each other instead of trying to build each other up. Not only does this lead to bad consequences (like being surrounded by a swarm of flies that end up causing you to drown yourself) but it also grieves God to the core. Just remember the pirate and the pictures he drew of his beloved pets.

Here is a link to the short:

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