Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Breakfast Scene

Well, this is my last blog... so I figured I'd make it about something that I really enjoy talking about: Citizen Kane.

This clip shows my favorite scene from Citizen Kane, the breakfast montage. Orson Welles transitions through time like no other film maker before him had.  He shows the deterioration of a marriage through multiple breakfasts. The fact that the marriage is shown over the breakfast table shows how boring of a marriage it must've been. Always the same... no real love or communication. At the very beginning of the clip, before the montage, when Mr. Thompson is interview Jedediah, notice the transition. Everything behind Jedediah fades away and then fades into the marriage scene all the while Jedediah is still lighted perfectly and in focus. The technology they had back then wasn't capable of doing that sort of focus, but Orson Welles did it. He did it on accident partially.. he thought that was how film did transitions. He was so used to doing transitions on stage that he simply carried over the technique into Citizen Kane. Enjoy!

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