This trilogy has amazed me ever since the first time I saw it. It brings the spy/assassin/detective type movie genre to a whole new level. Possibly the most impressive aspects of the Bourne movies are the editing and the color grading. The look of the trilogy is stunning, and the unique and varied locations keep the viewer engaged, and the visuals never seem to drag or get old.
The last two movies in the trilogy, under the direction of Paul Greengrass, also began to incorporate shaky cam techniques. I've seen other films that have used shaky cam shots, and it just doesn't fit. But in the Bourne films, this technique is used in such a way that fits the movies perfectly.
And of course, Matt Damon is just plain BA. Not much more to say about that.
When I first saw this assassin fight where Bourne owns the other dude with a pen, I was hooked:
Awesome fight! Though the one in the third movie is better, this was still very good. That pen thing looked painful.